Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bold faced lies from the soon to be worst President in history

The introductory ststement from the press conference.

"At the end of the day, the best way to bring our deficit down in the long run is not with a budget that continues the very same policies that have led us to a narrow prosperity and massive debt. It's with a budget that leads to broad economic growth by moving from an era of borrow and spend to one where we save and invest."

Huh! Obama's budget plan multiplies the federal deficit far beyond what it has ever been, in any prior administration. So how is he "moving from an era of borrow and spend"? It's a lie, pure and simple.

"Now, understand that AIG is not a bank. It's an insurance company. If it were a bank and it had effectively collapsed, then the FDIC could step in, as it does with a whole host of banks, as it did with IndyMac, and in a structured way renegotiate contracts, get rid of bad assets, strengthen capital requirements, resell it on the private marketplace.
So we've got a regular mechanism whereby we deal with FDIC- insured banks. We don't have that same capacity with an institution like AIG. And that's part of the reason why it has proved so problematic.
I think a lot of people understandably say, "Well, if we're putting all this money in there, and if it's such a big systemic risk to allow AIG to liquidate, why is it that we can't restructure some of these contracts? Why can't we do some of the things that need to be done in a more orderly way?"
And the reason is, is because we have not obtained this authority."

Huh! Have you ever heard about bankruptcy? In bankruptcy, contracts are renegotiated, bad assets are gotten rid of and good assets are sold into the private sector. That system exists, and would have worked perfectly well for AIG if it were not for the federal government's desire to funnel payments to AIG's counterparties--most notably, European banks--without taking responsibility for doing so. Under Obama's proposal, every time an insurance company becomes insolvent it will be another opportunity to expand federal power.

That is what this is all about. Increasing the elites power in Washington DC. They are forcing tarp loans onto companies that don't want the government money. Why? Give me one good reason besides the power angle. As soon as they get our hard earned money that we paid in taxes into these companies then they can start asserting themselves.


Baxter said...

I'm just glad you are giving the guy a chance...

Mark R. said...

When someone is holding a gun to your head should you give them a chance to pull the trigger before asking them not to?

We all wanted him to succeed because the country needs it but enough is enough. There is no way that what they are doing now is going to succeed. If he had a half a financial brain he would now it. The current administration is now willing to send the country into a full blown depression just so that they can increase their power. He was elected President not Dictator. What the Treasury Secretary just proposed goes beyond the extreme.

Rich, even you must be starting to wonder what these guys are doing. I also noted that you did not dispute the fact that the president of the US just pulled a Clinton.

Baxter said...

I am VERY HAPPY with the new administration. They are a breath of fresh air. They are getting a lot done and they mean to do a whole lot more.

You would not give them credit for anything. They have been in office just over two months and you are calling them liars and the worst ever. Your hyperbolic rhetoric has diminished the value of all of your observations.

Mark R. said...

This coming from you, you are making me laugh. This guy is in so over his head that he is going to take the entire country down with him. This is exactly what happens when the idiots come out and vote.

What ever happened to Rich the deficit hawk? Your guy has tripled the deficit in 50 days. We need to impeach him now before it is too late.

Baxter said...

GWB Republicans have no standing to talk about debt and deficits unless they are effusively apologizing.

Mark R. said...

Again you try to deflect instead of commenting on the current issues. I have already stated numerous times that I was against President Bush and the Republican controlled Congress pushing through the massive amounts of spending How many times do I have to say it before you actually remember it?

Baxter said...

So Mark, what period of Republican control would you hold up as a good example? Ronald Reagan trebled the debt in his time in DC with a GOP Senate and House filled with a lot of conservative southern Democrats.

You have to go back to Eisenhower, don't you? Or is he a bad guy too? The Birchers didn't like him either...

Mark R. said...

Reagan's deficit was not even close to the one we have now and he was in office for 8 years. Obama has tripled the deficit in less than 3 months. You need to put it into perspective and quit comparing everything. Let us try to concentrate on the present situation which is going to bankrupt this country.

Baxter said...

Obama INHERITED a $1.3T deficit. He didn't do anything to the deficit. Has the budget bill passed? When it does, he will be REDUCING the deficit that he inherited from the Republican Administration (you know - the one that pissed away the surplus).

I don't blame you for wishing to avoid comparison. Your side stacks up very poorly by most measures. However - comparison is very important. We have a two-party system, like it or not, and we need to choose from the very limited menu.

If it were up to me, I would change the constitution such that third (and fourth) parties would be encouraged and increase our selection. Our current system effectively prevents that.