Friday, March 20, 2009

The teleprompter President

Well the so called smartest President ever has demonstrated again that he is totally dependant on others writing what he should be saying for him. He has ably demonstrated that he is talented at reading what someone else has written for him but when it comes to speaking freely without a teleprompter he screws up.
So our President finds time to appear on the Jay Leno show during a crisis. Remember how the media all howled when President Bush would go to Crawford Texas wher he would still be working while on a so called vacation? Obamamessiah must have observed that his numbers were slipping so he thought I can go on Jay Leno and face a few softball questions to show the American public that I am still the great Obamamessiah that they all love. What happens? He puts his foot in his mouth again and has to apologize for the umpteenth time. We should measure his Presidency by how many time he apologizes.


Baxter said...

Obama actually writes many of his own speeches.

Dubya never wrote any of his own, but if he did it surely would have been in Crayon.

Jim G. said...

Baxter method II