Sunday, March 29, 2009

Climate Change

Hey lets put some energy into this one this week.

Is climate change happening?

Is it man made?


Why not?

What are the best theories for and against each argument?

What are the best sources on the topic?

If climate change is man made what can be done to stop it?

Should it be stopped?

Cap and trade. A necessary evil, a wonderful notion to move us away from petrol based energy or another anti capitalist tool proposed to solve a non-problem the only goal of which is to disrupt and destroy successful societies.

The Civil Heretic - Freeman Dyson - Profile -

James Hansen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Michael Crichton Is Right! - by Joseph L. Bast - News Releases

Lastly, let's all argue both sides. Should be fun.


Baxter said...

1. I believe that climate change is man made and can be mitigated - largely because I'd rather err on the side of caution than recklessness.

2. I prefer carbon taxes to cap and trade. It is more direct and less bureaucratic.

3. I am a believer in the power of the marketplace and recognize that necessity of the mother of invention. We will find clean, affordable energy systems - quickly - if we significantly raise the cost of carbon fuels. Note I said systemS - there is not a silver bullet - however, technologies will be introduced that offer wide application.

4. Any carbon taxes should be completely offset by tax reductions - this needs to happen in a revenue neutral context (unlike the current cap and trade plan). My oft stated preference is FICA/Medicare tax cuts.

5. The benefits derived from a carbon taxes (and offsetting tax cuts) will also serve to wean us from our dependence on foreign energy, This is geopolitically significant. Just look at our military adventures of the past forty years...

Mark R. said...

I saw where your boy stated that the flooding in Fargo is caused by Global Warming. Can you please tell me if man was responsible for the massive flooding that occurred over a hundred years ago? In fact the reason for the flooding is that the ground is too frozen. If the ground was all nice and warm the water would have been soaked up by the ground instead of flowing across the hard frozen ground into the river.

Global Warming being caused mostly by man is the biggest scam this world has observed possibly ever. It is junk science that will be proven given enough time. Over the last ten years it is a fact that there has been no more warming yet the amount of CO2 being emitted has dramatically increased thanks to China and India.

The Sun is by far the biggest player in climate change and anyone who believes otherwise is drinking too much pinko flavored Kool Aid.

Baxter said...

Mark -

You need to add a large dose of humility to your opinion on this topic. It is a complex subject and the vast majority of the scientific community disagree with you. No - they are not venal and cynical souls trimming their views for thirty pieces of silver.

I stipulate that I am not certain about climate change. You aren't either, whether or not you know it. However, if we address the issue as though it is real, we may reduce our dependence on foreign energy and leave cleaner skies for the next generation. Finite resources will be exhausted at a lesser rate. Carbon taxes or cap and trade, if implemented on a revenue neutral basis, will allow for stimulative tax cuts elsewhere.

Or, we can proceed as though non-believing 10% of scientists are correct and ignore the problem. Our foreign dependence on energy will grow. We will be geopolitically handicapped. We will be betting the farm that the skeptics are correct, which seems awfully reckless considering the downside.