Monday, March 30, 2009

Big Picture

Does not the idea of our federal government dictating who runs publicly traded companies and dictating their salaries terrify you? It should. It's the end of the free market system which has served this country so well.


Baxter said...

Wenzel -

I agree with your concerns. Uncle Sam certainly shouldn't be making personnel or salary decisions for the private sector. That said, he who pays the piper names the tune.

Once the economy is up and running again, stuff like this won't happen. The system that serves us so well will remain.

terry said...

I wonder why everyone is getting upset now. When Reagan fired all the air traffic controllers not a PEEP

Baxter said...

And PATCO had a legitimate beef - they were striking for more controllers to be hired as they were chronically under-staffed, creating poor working conditions.

That said, they thought RR was bluffing and they learned otherwise at great expense.

Mark R. said...

How do you know what we said when President Reagan fired the Air Traffic controllers. Last I checked this Blog was not in existence then.

You are comparing apples and oranges. The air traffic controllers where governmental employees. Last time I checked the government does not own the majority of the GM stock. What is going on now is clearly against the law of corporations and probably unconstitutional as well. I am waiting to see the litigation that starts flowing from these extraordinary governmental intrusions into the private sector.