Sunday, March 29, 2009

Liked the comment to Barney F-- so much, thought I would post.

He called a sitting Justice a homophobe?

Rich, you refuse to admit the truth (unlike us conservatives), your policies of redistribution ruin the economy and many of its citizens. The Democrats search for social justice is poison but unfortunately many believe in its worth. It is also their (liberals) source of power.

So yes, this obnoxious fool and the policies of the left have effected the ruin of our country. And this obnoxious fool, who cannot even show some respect to a Supreme Court Justice gets to be called a diddler. Heck I will even call him queer (in the unusual sense:),

Marks comment are apropos, our truth is that we did not limit spending, and we do need to act like Republicans. But to say that the redistributionist's will do better, especially after the immediate spending orgy of this administration is laughable


Baxter said...

The only error the Good Doc admits to - over eights years of sheer incompetence - is overspending. Thats it. We had our worst president ever, we are at a geopolitical low point and our economy suffers without post war precedent and it's all because of... over spending?

Mark R. said...

President Bush was far from being as bad as Jimmy Carter. He is truly the worst President ever. There is not one thing that anyone can point to that he did well in his four years.

But I truly believe that Obamamessiah will end up making everyone forget Jimmy. He is already well on his way to bankrupting the US and turning us into a facist state where the government controls free enterprise. Just be honest Rich, you are smart enough to see it coming.

Baxter said...

Au contraire, my friend on the fringe.

Jimmy Carter was over matched in the job and he didn't know how to effectively exercise power. That said, he inherited a nation that had just been buffeted by Watergate, Viet Nam and the Oil Embargo. The Fed had let inflation get loose despite Nixon's awful wage and price controls.

Carter responded by deregulating transportation and energy prices. He oversaw the Camp David Accords, which remain in force today. He appointed Paul Volker, who fed us the medicine that raised the misery index to lofty and election losing levels.

Reagan benefited from many of those policies. Volker's tough stand killed inflation which paved the way for expanded PE's and a decade of prosperity. The deregulation of energy brought prices down by two thirds and humbled OPEC.

In contrast, Dubya inherited a post-Reagan, post-Clinton world in which America was the world's sole super power. There was no inflation and we had record budget surpluses. We were at our pinnacle of wealth, power, and influence. And then, 43 came to town...