Friday, March 20, 2009

Bush Did It by Victor Davis Hanson on National Review Online

Ha, Ha, Ha

AP News Culpeper Star-Exponent

Just wondering which Baxter method will be used on this important article. Right wing AP writer. Bush's fault. Always exciting to predict, I'm going with Bush this time.


Baxter said...

I read VDH's Mexifornia and enjoyed being informed on the topic from his perspective. He makes a lot of points that I agree with, such as the importance of assimilation. That said, I think we need more immigrants, not less.

He used to appear on Kudlow and was a good guest.

The Bush Did It piece isn't worthy of his byline.

Jim G. said...

I guess there is a third method. The ignore the article detailing how the "O" budget is going to bust our country with an EXPONENTIAL increase as compared to any previous president.

And we are going to work this out with a tax increase on 5% of the population?

Baxter said...

I guess we have a "Jimmy Come Lately" to the deficit issue!

Baxter said...

EXPONENTIAL increase? How so? O inherited $1.3T deficit and the dreary forecast predicts less than a trillion a year. So, this dark scenario still has Obama reducing the annual deficit.

Obviously, $9.3T over ten years is unacceptable and unsustainable as Orszag stated. I really think we need a blueprint that gets the budget in balance in 6-8 years, with surpluses to follow. This means entitlement reform, which I believe the administration will be addressing.

Baxter said...

I'll put you in the pessimist column. I will remind you of your comments when the Administration addresses entitlements in this new Era of Responsibility.