Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Conservative David Brooks Opines


Mark R. said...

Rich, your title is already a lie! David Brooks has moved away from being a conservative years ago already.

He is in favor of gay marriage. He is more in the vein of John McCain when he was being the Maverick senator.

I guess being around all of the socialists at "Pravda" for so long has brainwashed him like the "Manchurian Candidate".

Baxter said...

The lunatic fringe no longer recognizes Brooks as a conservative - nonetheless, he is. McCain is conservative as well, though he doesn't walk in lockstep with Movement Conservatism.

Dick Cheney supports gay marriage, "Freedom is freedom," says he. Is the former Veep a liberal?

The far right has moved so far to the right it no longer recognizes where the poles reside.

Mark R. said...

The pot is calling the kettle black. If any party has moved it is the socialist party, I mean Democratic party. This party is so far from the party of John F. Kennedy that it is laughable.

The democrats are the George Soros, Move On.Org, Huffington Post party, Code Pink, Blame America party that we ahave all grown to know. The results justify the means for the new Democratic party. The socialists are truly the party of special interest entitlements and will be the ruin of us all.

Baxter said...

Other than that, things are okay, right?