Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A true Conservative

I believe strongly that true conservatives are less likely to identify with a political party than a liberal. I also believe that a true conservative, like me, truly loves his country and would never wish that bad things happen to it even though bad things happening to the country would be good politically. A true conservative's love for his country and pride in being an American overrides the political.

I have spent the last 8 years watching liberals hope and pray that Americans would die in Iraq, that there would be national disasters that they could blame on republicans, that the Vice President would get killed while visiting Iraq and on and on. It has been shameful to me to see the radical left wish bad things to occur to the nation that they live in and breath the free air that has been provided to them by the shedding of American blood in the defense of this freedom.

I, as a conservative wish that President Obama will not make the kind of decisions that will bring the country that I love farther into economic disarray and possibly depression. I also hope and pray that he will make wise dicisions beyond his experience level so that my children will be able to grow up in the kind of country that has made me proud to be an American my entire life.

1 comment:

Mark R. said...

I want them to be able to hear the National Anthem at sporting events and feel the chill that it brings along with the pride. I will never forget the day as a young boy I watched Kate Smith sing God Bless America before the Philadelphia Flyers played hockey against the Soviet National team. What a feeling of pride in living in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

I hope and pray that President Obama does not make decisions that cause this nation to lose the moral fiber and values that have made this the greatest nation ever. Only time will tell whether the majority this nation voted for the right man at this time or if we made the biggest mistake in the history of this nation.