Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Do we need another example of the narcistic arrogance of Barry?

Ww were all mistaken about Barry not going to Berlin. He did appear in Berlin -- metaphysically, if not physically. He did not honor our allies with his presence. He kept his distance and descended briefly, like a god, from the ether. Introduced by Shrillary herself the annointed one appeared via technology to make a speech.
In his speech he made no mention of Josef Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev, Mikhail Gorbachev, or the Soviet Union, and he was tellingly silent about Harry Truman and Ronald Reagan. The only American he quoted was John Kennedy, the President who acquiesced in and privately favored the building of the wall.
Even more to the point, Barry proved unable to refrain from injecting his own autobiography into the event. You see, walls fell down when he was elected President.
It was perfectly appropriate that someone sound this theme at the time of his inauguration. It was, indeed, an important event when the first American of African decent was elected to the presidency.
But Barry seems to think his presidency as important a milestone as the fall of the Berlin Wall. In the world of the narcissist, everything that happens is always about him.

1 comment:

Jim G. said...

No................don't speak the truth. It could hurt the "O"!