Tuesday, November 10, 2009

From a leftie at the New Yorker via the WSJ

Mr. Cassidy is more honest than the politicians whose dishonesty he supports. "The U.S. government is making a costly and open-ended commitment," he writes. "Let's not pretend that it isn't a big deal, or that it will be self-financing, or that it will work out exactly as planned. It won't. What is really unfolding, I suspect, is the scenario that many conservatives feared. The Obama Administration . . . is creating a new entitlement program, which, once established, will be virtually impossible to rescind."
Why are they doing it? Because, according to Mr. Cassidy, ObamaCare serves the twin goals of "making the United States a more equitable country" and furthering the Democrats' "political calculus." In other words, the purpose is to further redistribute income by putting health care further under government control, and in the process making the middle class more dependent on government. As the party of government, Democrats will benefit over the long run.
This explains why Nancy Pelosi is willing to risk the seats of so many Blue Dog Democrats by forcing such an unpopular bill through Congress on a narrow, partisan vote: You have to break a few eggs to make a permanent welfare state. As Mr. Cassidy concludes, "Putting on my amateur historian's cap, I might even claim that some subterfuge is historically necessary to get great reforms enacted."



Mark R. said...

Subterfuge or out right untruths? It is enlightening to read that someone from the socialist side of the spectrujn can at least come clean as to their real goals. This has been fairly obvious for some time. It is just such a pity that the arrogant elitists from the left are willing to sell the entire country down the road in the quest for eternal power.

I guess in their eyes it is better to be in charge of a second tier country that fits in with everyone else than to be out of power yet be a citizen of the greatest nation on the earth. Whatever happened to the Democratic Party of Scoop Jackson and John F. Kennedy? Now we have Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama.

Welcome to the Fall of the United States.

Jim G. said...

And this is why Rich(ie) is a wacko.

Do you folks really want this?


Do you not see it?

in either case you folks are wacko's.

No amount of foolish deficit hawking (amazing as such crap may be coming from the party of spend, spend, spend) will return our lost freedom.