Sunday, November 15, 2009

first time here for little ol' sara p.

happy many of the gitmo residents are relocating. seems the relocate strategy will be based on who voted for dr obama. nyc is getting some and NOW looks like good ol' ill. is in line. surprised they had room with six former gov's incarcerated and one in line. but, could be good for tourism: each federal detainee is allowed 10 visitors a month; so, that's about 2000 muslims/ month sizing up targets in the windy city and so forth. a real recon windfall!

praying for dr obama on this (psam 109:8). YOU look it up.

sara p.


Baxter said...

It seems the Republicans are always trying to overturn an election! Of course, having lost the popular vote in four of the last five presidential contests, they are left to pray to a God that apparently doesn't share their views.

Jim G. said...

No wonder Mark quit you dork.

Where in that post did poor little Sarah talk abou overturning the last election.

She opined on how stupid it is to bring these terrorists into our homeland and how stupid lefties can so willingly accept these bulls eyes on their cities.


Baxter said...

Read Psalms 109:8, Dr Einstein.

I don't think you should sign your blogs "Dope". You need to work on your self esteem.