Friday, November 13, 2009

The triumph of a crazed ideology over common sense. "Rudy Giuliani"

Before Mark departs :,) (it will take some time).

To bring these Combatants to our country for trial and expose our citizens and our Judiciary system to the danger associated with their presence is idiotic.

This confirms what many have long said,  these fools do not believe that we are at war.

We have an existing courthouse and system (Military) in place in Gitmo to adjudicate these evil men.

But now they are going to have the same rights that we all enjoy AND the possibility of acquittal.

How the left can encourage, let alone tolerate this considering the attack was carried out on their "Mecca" is beyond me.

From Jane Fonda hugging the cannon to worrying about enemy combatants rights more that our citizens, the left never matures, always faults America and can never be trusted.


Jim G. said...

Crazy Rich says:

These people will be tried and convicted..their crime was against the public..not the military

Baxter said...

I need to read more about these decisions to comment thoughtfully. That said, it is apparent that the Justice Department gave this a great deal of consideration. It would be awfully tough to second guess them.

Jim - be careful what argument you make. The terrorists also claim to be prisoners of war. Are they merely terrorists or do they qualify as enemy combatants in your view?

Jim G. said...

They are what we say they are!

The left is promoting politics over country.

The basis of this argument, made by the left, is that we were torturing these men, demonstrating that the Bush WH was evil.

In reality we water boarded a few times to prevent an attack (I always laugh when you bozos say that torture, as you seem to define water boarding, didn't work, when obviously it did). Repeating for you Crazy Rich, we water boarded, a few times, received information which stopped an attack on LA and have stopped water boarding a long time ago. So before you start making it sound like a torture chamber like the "Hostel" movies, don't.

Just like the left has always done, you are willing to gin up hate against our country for political gain.

But now YOUR chickens have come home to roost. What was a very sensible detainment of enemy combatants in GITMO was met with feigned outrage by the left, to embarrass the President. The "O", feeding his bases ludicrous need for fault American affirmation, announces the closure of GITMO. That was stupid enough, but not he is going to move the trial to a civilian court in the middle of NY. Crazy.

I wish I could take a broad poll, of the truth, which is the following statement: There are a couple of hundred captured terrorists, including some directly involved in the 9-11 attacks. There "home" country will not take them back or if they do they may just release them.

#1 Would you support releasing them?

#2 Where would you support housing them? In your home town or in a neutral location such as GITMO?

#3 If an attack were imminent on your city, would you support water boarding their leader to prevent such an attack?

#4 Would you rather they be tried in a military tribunal or a civilian court?

Except for rabid MCNBC viewers, who would read the above without reading the, few hundred, and directly involved in 9-11 lines. Every sensible American, when told the truth, would support the previous administrations actions!

Baxter said...

Your questions don't provide enough context. I do not believe that torture works and I do not advocate it - I believe in our constitution and I think we are bound by it. You seem to be a cafeteria constitutionalist - you'll just take the parts that suit you.

These trials will shed a lot more light on the past eight years than you may want to see.

Jim G. said...

OK, Rich, provide the context!

Talk is cheap. What!!??

Belly up big man.