Saturday, November 7, 2009

SPIEGEL: Do you really believe that Obama deliberately wants to weaken the US?

Krauthammer: The liberal vision of America is that it should be less arrogant, less unilateral, more internationalist. In Obama's view, America would subsume itself under a fuzzy internationalism in which the international community, which I think is a fiction, governs itself through the UN.

SPIEGEL: A nightmare?

Krauthammer: Worse than that: an absurdity. I can't even imagine serious people would believe it, but I think Obama does. There is a way America will decline -- if we choose first to wreck our economy and then to constrain our freedom of action through subordinating ourselves to international institutions which are 90 percent worthless and 10 percent harmful


Baxter said...

Like I said, we'll see who is naive. The GWB foreign policy was a disaster. Ironic, since his dad was probably our best post-war foreign policy president.

Brent Scowcroft - GHWB's closest friend and international relations uber wonk - had it right about Dubya and Cheney's approach to foreign policy and he was no fan.

I liked the pre-Dubya GOP approach to the world. We need to lead with our natural allies. Unilateralism is destined to fail and is the surest way to hasten the end of Pax Americana.

Hags said...


I am no fan of unilateralism either. But when Sarkozy sits in the UN and tells Obama that he needs to live in the real world, take it as a hint that Obama is naive.


Mark R. said...
