Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Where Does Responsibility Fall?

I'll be interested to see how the media assesses blame for the Ft. Hood tradgedy. I wouldn't need to ask if it were a couple of years ago-- clearly the blame would go to Bush and Cheney, or Cheney and Bush more likely, since we all know Cheney was really in charge.

I've already read one article in which a Washington Post writer said there wasn't anything Obama couldn't have done, which, I guess, means that someone else is Commander in Chief. I wonder who it is in this adminsitration? Biden? Surely not. Pelosi? Yikes! Michelle? Maybe?

How about nobody? Mr. Obama can't even decide to decide on a strategy he proclaimed earlier this year for his "war of necessity." Turns out theory is fun and reality is scary. If you make a real decision that can get real people killed and make it Your War and Your Legacy, well, what fun is that? So you dither.

Will our real Commander in Chief please stand up so we know who to talk to?



Baxter said...

Hags - trying to blame the president for one guy at a Texas base is a reach. Gimme a break. A fair minded approach will be to look at the system and find out why he was allowed to remain even after trying to contact Al-Quieda.

If your car doesn't start this morning, it is not Obama's fault, even if it is a new GM and, after all, Uncle Sam is GM's largest shareholder.

Mark R. said...

Then why did all of you lefties blame everything on Bush that happened. When the idiot Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of LA were so negligent in their Hurricane preparation that was all Bush's fault as well.

Krauthammer is correct concerning this area as well. No one who is reasonable blames this on Barry. However it is more an indictment on the entire left spawned "political correctness" movement. All the left wing media types like Evan Thomas are falling over trying to hide the fact that this guy is a Muslim and that this was a terrorist attack on US soil. Evan Thomas instead uses his platform at Newsweek to try and cover this fact and instead call this Muslim fanatic a nut. Well we can agree or disagree whether or not this guy is mentally unstable or not but the fact remains he is also a Muslim extremist.

All of these attempts to dumb down the military and overlook things in the ultimate quest for the Holy Grail of Diversity only serves to weaken our Military not strengthen it as the purveyors of political correctness always claim.

It is going to be very interesting to learn how much was overlooked because this guy is a Muslim and how broke the sytem reakky is due to the political correctness movement.

I understand we need all types to fight our enemies and to understand and translate languages but we cannot skimp on our scrutiny of suspect types especially when warning signs are apparent as they were in this case.

In the end it will be the President's responsibilty to fix this system and I really doubt that the Ditherer in Chief is up to this task based on what he has shown us thus far.

Baxter said...


Did you have to look up "dither" in the encyclopedia like Joe Wilson did?

Jim G. said...

I think a lot more, a lot more, is going to come out about this guy and a better topic of discussion is if we overtolerate such open hostility against our country.

Hags said...


A careful review of my post will show that I did not blame Barry for Ft. Hood. Rather, it was commentary on how the story will be reported.

My comment regarding his dithering (don't you love that word?) in directing our Afghan operations. I think it shows his academic soul. Real life (and death) is much harder than theory.

Also, his campaign rhetoric is a petard on which he is now being hoisted. He said we were fighting the wrong was, and that Afghanistan was the right one. He now is in the midst of a major waffle because the answer in Afghanistan will take too long and cost too much in political terms.

I regret that he is the wrong guy to be CIC because it will hurt our country. I take no pleasure in his dilemma.
