Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Is Rich the biggest hypocrite you have ever encountered?

All of us on the conservative side of this blog have admitted to the many mistakes that our last President made. Have admitted to the fact that it was wrong to pull the Marines out of Lebanon after the bombing during Reagan's Presidency. Have admitted that the Republican Congress of during Bush the youngers first term spent way too much money. Have admitted that Scooter Libby lied to the Grand Jury which is a crime.

On the other hand Rich has yet to criticize the unprecedented gargantuan deficits that the Democratic party is running up. Yet he still can criticize the comparatively paultry deficits that Reagan ran up.

Rich has yet to criticize Barry for his inability to make a decision regarding troop deployment to Afghanistan one way or the other or for the deterioration of the War in Afganistan since Barry became the President but quickly jumps all over any mistakes that Bush made during these Wars he was the Commander In Chief over or can criticize Reagan for pulling the Marines out of Lebanon after the bombing. Rich how about your views on your hero Clinton's conduct of the support of our military in Somalia? Have you watched the movie Black Hawk Down?

Rich can criticize people on the right trying to keep Scooter Libby from going to jail for lying to a Grand Jury but cannot bring himself to recognize that President Clinton committed the exact same crime of lying to a Grand Jury.

He also can criticize Charles Krauthammer and make statement about what he would or would not acknowledge without any support for this statement yet he once used a Charles Krauthammer column in this blog to make his point. That in of itself is proof that Krauthammer is more pragmatic than Rich.

What do the rest of you think?


Baxter said...

I would have written the exact same blog with the exact same headline, if I was a bigoted crybaby with really small equipment.

Hags said...


Bax, not a classy response.

Like Lucy, you got some 'splainin' to do. It does seem to me that you have been more than reluctant to acknowledge Barry's mistakes and shortcomings. I'm not saying your Nancy Pelosi, but maybe Rich Pelosi.

C'mon, Rich, give it up. Barry has been a very, very different President compared to the president he promised to be as a candidate.

Can you give us just a little sense that you see that? Or is just all those nasty Republicans' fault?


Jim G. said...

Now, boys....na screw it...fight away!

Rich, you don't and won't.

But that is not what gets me and the left (moving back to a general insult of a beleif system rather that a one on one thingy).

Rich you keep talking about the deficit as if the left has any plan to address the enormous debt.

Please tell me, since time after time you reference the deficit, where does the left receive your blessing. Remember, your side fought 17 billion in spending cuts.

And time after time, you somehow forget to mention the 94 Republican takeover and the Democrats fighting any spending cuts during Regan's term.

He, the "O", has created the largest deficit ever... ever. The financial meltdown created this mess, but the "O" and his redistribution policies have nothing to do with the deficit.

Largest deficit ever!

Tax the Rich

Spread the wealth.

If he has persued any pro-business plan, we would be recovering from this mess.

Baxter said...

No explanations necessary on my part at all. I do not believe BHO has governed differently than he campaigned at all. I agree with Clinton - y'all are agitated because the Democrats are winning. The Republicans are out of power and in the wilderness. It is wonderful.

This field has been plowed over and over. I will repeat it for the slow pokes. Facts is facts:

1> The GOP is the party of deficits. A Republican president has not balanced his budget since Eisenhower.

2> Reagan began the massive flow of red ink through his supply side policies. As a percentage of GDP, his deficits were the highest since WWII. He exploded the deficit in short order.

3> Clinton and the Democrats, through the 1993 budget bill, balanced the budget and began to pay some of Reagan's bills during the Clinton years.

4> The GOP took over all branches in 2001. They enacted massive, supply side tax cuts. Federal receipts plummeted from 20%/GDP to 16% - lowest percentage take in nearly 50 years. MASSIVE DEFICITS RETURNED - just like the Reagan years.

5> If Dubya had maintained Clinton's 20% of GDP receipts, he would have had net surpluses through eight years rather than doubling the national debt.

After these first 5 points, I have an serious question for the conservatives: Are you too stupid or too stubborn to see the facts? Who is the hypocrite? How can any Republican complain about debt with a record like that? Each one of you should have to send regular letters of apology to the rest of us for your party's shameful fiscal performance for the past 28 years. It takes a lot of nerve.

Obama inherited a collapsing economy and a massive, growing deficit. You see, if you have massive deficits in times of growth and you suffer the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression, you will have far greater, growing deficits. Thats how it works. If this is too complicated for you, have your wife read it to you and explain. Several times if need be.

Once we are fully and unambiguously in recovery, we can attack the deficit. That should not be the primary focus at this time. We need to dig out of the mess that the GOP left after six years of monopoly power. Then, attack the deficits with tax hikes and entitlement reform which will reduce the growth of spending (raise the eligibility ages, among other things).

This Keynesian approach will be successful. It is the correct and responsible path. Bruce Bartlett, former Kemp and Reagan official, who spent time at the Cato Institute and Heritage Foundation, just wrote an excellent book. I bought it for my brother in law, who apparently couldn't get past the introduction. "The New American Economy" makes no apologies for the Reagan era but argues that the circumstances today are entirely different. He strongly advocates the approach I just outlined, and we'll be returning to fiscal sanity through reduced spending growth and new taxes. We have a tremendous capacity for higher taxes - good thing, since we are swimming in a sea of debt that will grow until we are out of the economic woods.

For those who struggle or don't like to read, I suppose you can get the book on tape. I highly recommend this book for all those that still reside in the darkness.

Hags said...

So, Bax, I enjoyed your rant. What surprised me most was that you said that Barry is governing as he campaigned. Very entertaining. Cognitive dissonance is not usually your behavioral mode.

We'll work on bringing reality into sharper focus for you.

You may want to review polling data (approval rating, right direction/wrong direction, recent elections wherein Independents split against Democrats)as evidence that The Great Unwashed are catching on to the fact that Barry as President is quite different from Barry as Campaigner.

More to follow.


Jim G. said...

UM....Hags, sorry, but...spread the wealth, taxing the rich, anti-war.

He is governing pretty much as he said he would. I do think folks, quite frankly dumb as they are, bought into his aura, and now have severe buyers remorse.

Bax, hey, I read some of that book except I lost interest after spending was mentioned only in passing.

Largest deficit ever.

No spending reduction, no entitlement reform.

What? The tooth fairy.

Baxter said...

Jimmy - "Severe buyers remorse"? I keep hearing that from people that never supported him. His approval ratings stand at 54% - same as his percentage of the vote. There is no buyers remorse, only severe panic on the defeated right.

It seems that the Republicans want to do just what Hoover (R) did - concentrate on cutting spending and reducing the deficit in the face of an economic collapse. It is exactly the wrong thing to do. At least you guys are consistent over the years.

Hags - I know it wasn't meant as a compliment, but I'll take it s one. I am a Pelosi fan. She did a tremendous job on Saturday. The tribune of the right - Sarah Palin - quits when things get tough. the Speaker works still harder and produces. God bless Nancy Pelosi.