Monday, November 16, 2009

An Open Letter to Mark

Perhaps you should reconsider your self-exile from this distinguished blog. I’d like to request that you do, while offering a little unsolicited advice.

Don’t make personal attacks. That way, people won’t reply in kind and really make you mad. Attack ideas, concepts and actions – not people. I don’t think half the country is “deranged” for supporting the Democratic Party and their leadership. Millions of Americans do not have a mental disorder. It is possible for bright and honest people to completely disagree with your worldview even after you have made your arguments.

Don’t assign motives. I am no fan of Tom DeLay, George W Bush or Dick Armey. That said, I think they entered public life honorably, to change the country in the way they see fit. The same applies to Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and President Obama. There is no need to divide the country between good and evil. The demonization of political opponents is cynical and for those that believe the overheated rhetoric, ignorant. Neither of your ideological friends or foe are thieves and both care very much for their country. Some of my best friends are Republicans. My dear mother belongs to that anachronistic party. I honestly do not understand the anger or animus that sometimes attends political discussion. Life is too short…

Don’t expect to change minds. We can all shed light on ideas and offer a perspective that the other side might not otherwise see or appreciate. However, I will never be changing your mind, Jim’s, Hags, Riegels or Wenzels. And you will not be changing mine. However, your past postings have offered insight into the thinking of the Republican base and you have made a decent point on occasion.

Be empathetic. I should be much more frustrated than you are. Today’s Republican Party reminds me of the alcoholic – they will change jobs, move to a different state, ditch their wife, go into therapy, and do whatever it takes to make things better – except quit drinking. After the Bush administration and six years of a GOP Congress, you would think that would end the debate about the tired and failed GOP policy positions – but it hasn’t. They all want to criticize spending, even though receipts fell more than spending spiked, in relative terms, during the Bush years. Two wars were started but not finished and two “Axis” enemies made tremendous nuclear progress during the GOP monopoly. Does the party now recognize that cooperation and traditional alliances are important? No. They would much rather criticize our new president as he makes his way around the world trying to mend fences and stop nuclear proliferation in this the eleventh hour. They want to continue with the last eight years, it seems, even after the results are in.

I do not expect anyone on this board to sober up. However, I may set off a few light bulbs or plant seeds in the back of some closed minds. In the future, conservatives I have touched might not be so quick to sign on to economic policies that don’t add up. Maybe they will prefer a GOP primary candidate that can work with our neighbors on this little blue dot. I seek progress from my co-bloggers, not perfection.

Your posts should continue in the same warm spirit. You have your own seeds to sow. I sincerely hope you stick around. Take a breather if you must – you have in the past. I have always been glad to read your posts when you returned.

Rich Baxter


terry said...

Best post ever!! thanks Baxter you said what was true and needed. You and I have most always agreed but respect the other side's opinion. No reason to get personal. By the way they lost, get behind, or get out of the way, is what they told us for 8 years.

Hags said...


Thanks for reaching out, not just to Mark, but to all of us.

And thanks for advocating the position that we should all avoid personal attacks. I agree.

I am distressed that you followed your voice-of-reason by striking an analogy between unrepentant alcoholics and Republicans. Just so we are clear, I didn't want us to go into Iraq. I thought Bush's spending was outrageous and that he should have been vetoing spending bills like crazy.

The Bush Administration abandoned sound conservative policies. Had we adhered to conservative principles I do not think Obama would be president. Hillary, maybe, but not Obama. He was lucky to happen upon the scene when he did.

I would love to see Obama succeed in restraining the spread of nukes and terrorism. You cannot point to anything in the past that would suggest his approach will work. Let all say together, "India, Pakistan, North Korea, Israel (am I forgetting anyone?) Here is what did work: the Israelis bombed the Iraqis' program out of existence. I'm not advocating bombing Iran or North Korea, but talk has not deterred any determined country with the means.

I saw a great movie On Demand over the weekend: Dean Spanley. It is quirky and fun, with a great cast. Check it out. It had several great lines, one of which was, "Certainty is the product of a closed mind" or words to that effect. I am certain of very little, except that I love too engage.

I look forward to further engagement with you. And let's both try to walk the talk, except I get to rail on Pelosi and you can rip the idiot of your choice.
