Friday, November 13, 2009

Rich is more deranged than ever

I have decided to stop contributing to this blog. I read Rich's responses and they have become so unhinged and deranged that I now have doubts if he has any rational thought processes. He has to be spending extra time reading the Daily Kos, Huffington Post and where irrational thought rules the day. When he stated that he loved Nancy Pelosi that went over the top. Poor thing is that he and Terry have still not figured out that they are in bed with a bunch of thieves who could give a rats behind about the future of the country. You can't keep blaming others for your mistakes and since it is beyond Rich's ability to have any rational thoughts and debate even half way honestly I cannot go on contributing my valuable time to this endeavor because it is not making a difference.

What I have observed through this is that Conservatives do not blindly support a candidate and do not make excuses for errors that those they support make. Liberals blindly march in lock step to whatever tune there candidate sings and then will make excuses or blame others for any shortcomings in there candidate. If this doesn't work than instead of honestly debating they just go on the attack against the messenger. Since no amount of blogging short of full frontal lobotomies will cure Rich and Terry of their mental disorder known as liberalism I respectfully resign from posting to this blog. I will be joining Lou Dobbs at this time.

Jim please take me off the list of those who receive e-mails everytime there is a new post.


Jim G. said...

Man you gotta feed your addiction.

You are still gonna check, still gotta write.

Baxter said...

See you later, Peewee!

Jim G. said...