Wednesday, November 25, 2009

We have a new blogger, an other Mark

Let's call him Motor Car Mark.  He is much like myself and brother Mark R. (who has rejoined the effort!-yea!) and is Conservative.  He is one of those guys who sends lots of things.  Here is one of them.  Soon, as Rich and Crazy Rich and Terry argues with him, usually over what the follows obviously says, but they will deny , debate will ensue.  I must tell you Motor Car Mark (or what ever blog name you should chose), getting a straight answer out of these guys is harder than getting a straight forward new car price quote (tee hee hee).

WSJ  Preparing to write about yesterday's downward revision in third-quarter GDP, we were tempted to say the Obama Administration has hit a speed-bump on its promised exit out of the recession. But it is the American economy that has hit a speed bump, and on the evidence of the policy mix emerging now from Democratic Washington, the road ahead for the economy is bump, bump, bump, bump, bump. Other than a few lucky banks, few seem be enjoying the ride.

What last month had appeared to be third-quarter growth of 3.5% in gross domestic product turns out to have been a more modest 2.8%. Consumer spending was pared back to 2.9% from 3.4%. The cash-for-clunkers subsidy produced fewer new-vehicle purchases than first estimated. In short, we aren't getting much bang for our $787 billion stimulus bucks. But you already knew that.

The frustrated Congressional Democrats who designed and enacted the stimulus seem more surprised, and they are now circling the wagons and starting to look for someone else to blame.  Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

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