Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The top five lessons from yesterday

1. The "independents" or "moderates" get it. That is, they seem to understand that the Barry agenda and those allied with it are bad news for the economy. Whether they understand HOW bad Barry and his policies are for the economy, and how much of a danger he poses to other things like, say, freedom, cannot be determined from last night's results. But the independents are no longer nearly as taken in by the smooth talk as they were a year ago.
2. The era of succeeding by running against George Bush is over.
3. Intensity counts. Conservatives obviously value their right to vote much more strongly than the followers of Barry do. Just look at the turnout numbers.
4. Far from being a post-racial figure, Obamamessiah is the most racially polarizing politician since George Wallace. The white vote shifted dramatically against the Dems. On the other hand, what did they expect after Van Jones, ACORN, and the rest of Our Savior's fellow "community organizers"?
5. Goldwater 2.0 is underway. That is, the Republican Party, which, in domestic policy, had been all but emasculated by Bush's playing kissy-face with welfare state and corporate liberalism (No Child Left Behind, prescription drug benefit, cheap and easy money, bank bailouts, and more), is into the process of discovering that conservatism is its heart and its salvation.


Baxter said...

I'll answer point for point:

1. You are having to bend over backwards to take such a lesson from the two gubernatorial races that you won. Two races does not provide a good statistical sample. Many Republicans are acknowledging that today. Your complaints about freedom echo Hoovers when he complained about the FDR administration.

2. George Bush and the failure of his policies are accepted and understood by 75% or so of Americans. Its old news.

3. Stupid spin, but half right. In fact, the Teabaggers had far more intensity yesterday than the good guys. The "value your right to vote" comment is adolescent. The Dems obviously had much higher intensity at this point last year.

4. I completely disagree with Mark and agree with the American people on this point. The only voices suggesting such silliness are the bigots themselves. We have overcome, but the slow ones stayed behind.

5. I hope you are right. It is said that Goldwater 1964 created Reagan 1980. If you are currently plotting to win the White House and Senate in 2028, be my guest. The good guys will handle things until then.

Mark R. said...

If you think these arrogant elitists in charge now are the "good guys" that you must be a member of the Hugo Chavez party.

You are bending over backwards trying to downplay the magnitude of the drubbing. Almost 20 points in Virginia. When you throw the third party candidate in with Christie because none of those votes would have gone to Corzine had there been no third party candidate you are at double digits in New Jersey as well. It was the independents that put this over the top and they repudiated Barry's five visits (count them Rich) to New Jersey in hopes that his messiah like persona would get the independents to keep Corzine in office. This was an anti Barry vote repudiating all of the spending and non creation of jobs that his Keynsian economic brethren have jammed through.

It is now Barry's economy and Barry's War in Afghanistan. The people have spoken that they are tired off hearing all of the whining and excuse making.

Democratic voters have once again proven that they are fair wheather voters and cannot be counted on like Conservative voters can be. This is a fact that has been demonstrated time and time again. Just because you say it isn't so or that the comment is adolescent is poppy cock. To be a true citizen that cherishes the right to vote one must show up at all of the elections not just when they feel that it is the popular thing to do.

Again you are way wrong. Barry's attacking of the Harvard police officer and the Reverend Wright's recent anti American comments show that he is the racist and his fellow racist brethren like Al and Jesse keep fanning these flames. The American people don't want to hear about this crap anymore but Barry has a way of surrounding himself with these Anti White activists who have made their fortunes and reputations due to the constant fanning of racist fires. The American people have spoken again in New Jersey and Virginia and they are tired of the same old rhetoric that these polarizing figures keep trotting out whenever things start going against them. These voters are not bigots but all of the ACORN and other issues have hurt the Democratic party even though the mainstream media trys not to recognize their existence. We have overcome and the ones staying behind are all these race baiters.

2010 will have you eating your words. If Pelosi, Reid and the other radicals in congress ram this costly health care boondoggle down the throat of the American people you will see such a quick turn to the right by the American people that it will make your head spin.

Baxter said...

Skip the race baiting and try to stick to good faith arguments. You pride yourself on spinning but it isn't particularly clever or useful. You have plenty of material if you just want to make a Libertarian argument.

Jim G. said...

I think you are very right Mark and hope so, a lot.

Conservativism is easy to demagogue. Remember there is always some Grandma to show eating dog food. (or better yet, to show a distorted snippet of Newt with Medicare withering on the vine).

I think the country is ready to hear...reduced spending...less government, without falling for the bull.

We shall see, if not these fool "stimulators" will soon bankrupt us.