Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Education

The educational experience of college, did not seem necessary for the big idea crowd the party of NO.
The three diva's of the right could not only get thru college, but for the most part flunked out ( rush's mom said so not me) Hannity, Beck, and Limbaugh not a college degree among them but they persuade millions of people they KNOW the answers.
I guess it is okay to disdain education when you can't cut it.
These fear mongering snivels who play on people's fears, are the worst.
I don't have a problem with honest differences among different sides but what these three dish up to public every day is disgraceful. Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, all cut from the same cloth.


Baxter said...

Mark's continued talk about Van Jones shows the emptiness of his arguments. VJ was way down the list - a position of little, if any, power. The wing nuts try to elevate him to the status of Veep. He was a nobody. Continuing complaints about him are fundamentally dishonest.

Jim G. said...

Some of the smartest folks in the world thinks Socialism is a good idea.

Our Universities are filled with smart idiots.

The bottom line Terry: They speak to the "silent majority" and provide entertainment.

Speaking of Freedom and Liberty require not so much brilliance as it does consistency.

As your side willingly gives away our Freedom to our Government they become more and more popular.

Jim G. said...

And I must admit to being strangely attracted to Rachel. Great lips.

Hey, she could turn.


Baxter said...

I guess we DO think alike in some respects...

Hags said...


First of all, congratulations on stimulating so much comment. Keep it up!

I think you give way too much weight to education. Education doesn't make you smarter. It gives you more information, and, for some, it teaches them a method of structured thinking. But, in my opinion, most people just get a degree-- a high priced union card. It helps with the first job application or two, but then you need to show what you got.

Regarding the folks you named, I happen to agree whole-heartedly. Rush is the greatest disappointment to me. I think he is very smart and very talented, but he has settled for being a crass entertainer. I think he crosses the "tasteful" line more than Imus does, but Imus will actually take tough positions on both sides of the political spectrum and hold them. Imus can attract significant guests from both parties because his discourse is, notwithstanding the silliness woven throughout, carried on at a much higher intellectual level.

Keep swinging, Terry, you have a great heart!
