Friday, November 13, 2009

Which Rich? :).

In the news: the "O" plans to spend much of his SOTU address, addressing spending reform.
OK, if....and that is a big if...he really addresses and does something about this important issue then...mea culpa.
But...I strongly doubt Mr. "tax the rich" will meaningfully address spending. Why should he address spending when you can just add another 5% on top of the last 5%. (Health care just the latest example)


Baxter said...

I appreciate the preliminary mea culpa.

I saw a story buried yesterday in WSJ that said that the GAO is asking all departments (except Defense & Vets Affairs) to submit two budgets for next year. One with a spending freeze and the other with a 5% spending cut! If that happens, it will be the first time in our lifetimes. Unfortunately, when you take out Defense, interest and entitlements, you have little left to cut. Symbolically and heading into mid-terms, it will be compelling. But, ultimately unsatisfying.

Jim G. said...

No way it happens. He is just going to tax the rich more.

Drink at first dinner after SOTU side bet. Yes, mine will be more expensive:)

There will be no meaningful spending cuts.

Remember, they balked at $17 Billion