Thursday, November 19, 2009


Help Your President — Kill ObamaCare!

By Larry Elder
The then-Republican-controlled Congress stopped President Bill Clinton from passing HillaryCare. People soon forgot about his "failure" and re-elected him by a larger margin than he received for his first term. Republicans also blocked his first-term attempt to pass a multibillion-dollar "economic stimulus package."

Because of Republican pressure or support, Clinton signed measures unpopular with his base — the Nafta and GATT trade agreements, a reduction in capital gains taxes (as part of a larger budget compromise) and 1996's welfare reform act, which, for the first time, refused recipients more money if they had additional children and imposed benefit time limits. Many congressional Democrats opposed these measures.


Jim G. said...

Though he successfully blamed the Republicans for temporarily shutting down the government over a budget impasse, Clinton signed a budget more modest and less expensive than he wished.

For these reasons, among others, Clinton left office with a budget surplus that Democrats constantly brag about — never, of course, giving Republicans any credit for restraining Clinton's desire to spend.

Besides, if ObamaCare fails in the Senate, watch Obama and the sycophantic media round up the "usual suspects":

"Anti-women" pro-lifers who reject government money for abortions.

Anti-illegal-alien "racists" who wanted some teeth in the legislation to stop illegal aliens from receiving benefits.

"In-the-pockets-of-insurance-company"opponents of the noble "public option" (government-subsidized insurance designed to keep insurance companies "honest").

"Evil and greedy" health insurance companies that "misled" the public about the wonders of ObamaCare.

"The rich" who selfishly resisted tax hikes.

And, of course, Republicans who "failed to offer an alternative."

The media will praise the president for his "heroic" effort, for "going down swinging," for getting the House — for the first time in history — to pass health care "reform," for going further than any president since President Truman first proposed government-based universal health care.

After spending trillions to "save" our financial system, signing an $800 billion spending package to "stimulate" the economy and pushing government takeovers of financial firms, banks and car companies, the president stands — pen in hand — ready to enact a dangerous government takeover of one-sixth of the nation's economy.

President Clinton survived — not in spite of, but, in part, because of his "failure" to "reform" health care.

Obama will survive — and benefit from — this "failure" as well. So, members of the Senate, do the president, yourselves and the country a favor: Stop him.

Jim G. said...

The then-Republican-controlled Congress stopped President Bill Clinton from passing HillaryCare. People soon forgot about his "failure" and re-elected him by a larger margin than he received for his first term. Republicans also blocked his first-term attempt to pass a multibillion-dollar "economic stimulus package."

Because of Republican pressure or support, Clinton signed measures unpopular with his base — the Nafta and GATT trade agreements, a reduction in capital gains taxes (as part of a larger budget compromise) and 1996's welfare reform act, which, for the first time, refused recipients more money if they had additional children and imposed benefit time limits. Many congressional Democrats opposed these measures.

Though he successfully blamed the Republicans for temporarily shutting down the government over a budget impasse, Clinton signed a budget more modest and less expensive than he wished.

For these reasons, among others, Clinton left office with a budget surplus that Democrats constantly brag about — never, of course, giving Republicans any credit for restraining Clinton's desire to spend.

Besides, if ObamaCare fails in the Senate, watch Obama and the sycophantic media round up the "usual suspects":

"Anti-women" pro-lifers who reject government money for abortions.

Anti-illegal-alien "racists" who wanted some teeth in the legislation to stop illegal aliens from receiving benefits.

"In-the-pockets-of-insurance-company"opponents of the noble "public option" (government-subsidized insurance designed to keep insurance companies "honest").

"Evil and greedy" health insurance companies that "misled" the public about the wonders of ObamaCare.

"The rich" who selfishly resisted tax hikes.

And, of course, Republicans who "failed to offer an alternative."

The media will praise the president for his "heroic" effort, for "going down swinging," for getting the House — for the first time in history — to pass health care "reform," for going further than any president since President Truman first proposed government-based universal health care.

After spending trillions to "save" our financial system, signing an $800 billion spending package to "stimulate" the economy and pushing government takeovers of financial firms, banks and car companies, the president stands — pen in hand — ready to enact a dangerous government takeover of one-sixth of the nation's economy.

President Clinton survived — not in spite of, but, in part, because of his "failure" to "reform" health care.

Obama will survive — and benefit from — this "failure" as well. So, members of the Senate, do the president, yourselves and the country a favor: Stop him.

Baxter said...

God bless President Clinton!

BTW - he was always for NAFTA as was the DLC.