Monday, November 16, 2009

This says it all about the wacky left, and they are running the country.

For balance I receive lefty stuff. Here we see their glowing stupidity. Instead of promoting economic activity, they describe it as evil.  Yet...and this is the great part, they are going out of business and really want contributions.

Sigh...they are running the country :(
Dear Nation Friend:

"Go shopping."
That was the Bush era's misguided solution to a recession, and this holiday season we're being bombarded with that crass commercialism once again.
But you don't have to boycott the holidays.
Instead of buying your loved ones holiday gifts that enrich the corporate establishment, why not share your passion for progressive journalism by bidding on a one-of-a-kind gift from "The Nation"?

1 comment:

Hags said...

It is just too perfect!

Capitalism is evil!!!! Nation is pure. Give us your money because we are incapable of commercial viability!!!

I'm going to the mall.
