Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Barney Frank gets lower than whale feces in Mariana's Trench

Barney resorts to the race card in order to take the heat off.

Let's be honest: if Barney Frank had a shred of honor, he would resign.


Baxter said...

Frank was merely a back bencher until January, 2007. There is certainly deflection going on, but it's not the Democrats that are deflecting...

God bless Barney Frank!

Mark R. said...


C'mon, how can we take any thing you say seriously when you make statements like this? If Chris Dodd and Barney Frank are not deflecting than what do you call what they are both doing? You do not have to chair the committee to have an impact on things when you have the ability to block legislation. The facts are clear that Barney Frank led the blocking of Republican attempts to rein in Freddie and Fannie. The tape does not lie and it shows Democrats making all kinds of defensive statements about Franklin Raines and how stable Freddie and Fannie are and why should we increase regulation of them while the Republicans are pointing out all kinds of accounting irregularities and the need for tighter scrutiny.

Last Saturday night Saturday Night Live even had a skit pointing out Barney's role in the debacle. He has always been Freddie and Fannies biggest cheerleader.