Sunday, October 26, 2008

From the NYT, of course when discussing Bush's lack of leaks, it is because he is "secretive"

Like all other campaigns, Mr. Obama’s is imbued with its leader’s personality: it is a tight, centralized structure, run by a tiny group that permits no leaks. On the trail, Mr. Obama has struggled with the unpredictable questions and irritating time limits of presidential debates. He does not always react swiftly to unexpected shifts. This summer, Mr. Obama had just finished a perfectly planned tour of Europe when Russia blitzed into neighboring Georgia; he took several days to settle on a position. After Mr. McCain’s surprise selection of Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate, the Obama campaign seemed to struggle to react.

The only time Mr. Obama slips from “his normal cool self,” said Marty Nesbitt, a close friend, is “when something surprises him.”

Election Special Issue - Barack Obama, Forever Sizing Up - Candidate Profile - Biography -

1 comment:

Mark R. said...

If Barry wins we are going to see a new definition of secretive that will make the Bush Presidency appear to be one of the most open. Barry will not even release his college transcripts. Remember he is a product of the Chicago machine. They control all facets of information very tight to the vest. If Barry wins you will see many Chicago machine politicians in important positions. Corruption will be the rule rather than the exception.

The big difference is that so many in the media worship Barry as if he was sent down to earth by the mighty one. No President will be given a bigger pass on screw ups than Barry will. Just like how he got into Columbia and Harvard Law School. Why can't we see the transcripts? Is it because he was given favored status as a minority for admissions to these institutions. Is it possible that Barry was made Editor of Harvard Law Review because of his skin color? Why will he not make public any of his law school and college writings? What is there to hide? Where there is concealment there is often something to hide.