Tuesday, October 14, 2008

President of new club

I am now the President of a new club. The "I am working till 90" thanks to something?
Why can't people believe a rising tide raises all boats?
We have plenty of time to look back and assess blame, lets look forward Republicans and Democrats together and bring in some sharp people and yes discuss solutions.


Mark R. said...

What do you mean with a "rising tide raises all boats"? If you mean redistributing massive amounts of income from the upper 5% to the lower 40% than I want you to show me an economy out there in the civilized world where this kind of socialism has worked. Not even in Europe do 40% of the people pay no taxes and even get more money on top of what they paid in.

Baxter said...


What country would you use as a model of your preferred economic policy?

terry said...

Everyone keeps using "redistribution of wealth" as some code for take from the rich to give the poor. It is " This is what it is going to cost to run the goverment" Then the real question is Who has it and how can we get it? And how can we can be fair about it. The poor woman at the bottom end should give what percentage of her income and what percentage of a top earner should he give? It is really just called FAIRNESS.

Baxter said...

God bless you, Terry.

Mark R. said...

Keep drinking the Kool Aid.

Rich why do you always answer questions with questions? I asked a fair question and I expect a fair answer. If you can't give me one than say so. Always dodging the issue is so transparent!

Baxter said...


I asked, "What country would you use as a model of your preferred economic policy?"

I'm still waiting for an answer.

Your question is hard to answer since it is predicated on a false claim.

You continue to misuse the word "socialism".

The European countries collect substantially more in taxes relative to GDP than we do. I'm not able to break that down for you in income groups. I haven't the time or inclination to find that data. I think it is safe to say that all income groups give (and get) more in the old world than they do here.

So - what country comes closest to your model?