Sunday, October 12, 2008

Christopher Buckley Gets it Right

The Palin pick alone will move many loyal Republicans to vote for Obama. Not only is she not ready for prime time, she never will be. 


Jim G. said...

Prattle. "O" must have had a great three years to be so vastly superior to Palin (he 47 she 44). Is it her inexperience that so troubles or is it that her experience does not include the "correct" ones?

Her errors, if in fact they are, are blared, but the "O" gets a press issued fast pass for 58 states and other bumps.

Mr. B's son does not note the accomplishments and record of "O" because there is none. He wants McCain to lose gracefully. I am honestly befuddled by the recurrent statement made by many "O" supporters who are otherwise normally rational. "He is so smart, he will fix things". Really? Could one of our "O" supporters please address that statement.

The anger rising from the right is because McCain has been such a poor candidate addressing our issues in a positive way. Palin does, and when Johnny has lost, she will become the voice (She reminds me of Reagan) for the party, which will rediscover is conservative bearings and not (bleep) up least I hope.

We are at a collision of Capitalism and Socialism and placing the Democratic candidate at the helm will change our country, for the worse, forever. Pardon us if we try to stop the coronation

This one, Gary, is serious.

Baxter said...

The fact that Obama survived the test of the primaries to get the nomination is far more than Palin has ever accomplished.

The Governor of Alaska is very similar to the current president. She can't answer obvious, easy questions. She lacks curiosity. She has no depth. She doesn't read. She has not traveled outside of North America with one brief, recent exception. Where do you see any presidential timber in her profile?

Sadly, she has no future in the Republican Party. She is 2008's answer to Pat Robertson.

O is obviously very intelligent, well read, and intellectually curious. He got into all those wonderful schools on his own with no help from daddy. He ran the Harvard Law Review which answers any IQ questions you may have. He is a great communicator - one of Ronald Reagan's genuine attributes.

The anger rising from the right is typical. They don't like to lose. McCain campaign appearances are now merely venues for an angry mob. It was no accident that the militia movement gained steam under President Clinton. You all run with a motley, pissed off crew.

I hope that Obama makes some lasting changes. First and foremost, supply side economics has to go and join other failed ideologies in the dustbin of history.