Thursday, October 30, 2008

A link and excerpt from an article that Rich needs to justify.

Democrats Vie to Shape an Obama Legislative Agenda -

Rep. Rangel argues that a President Obama would face a narrow window after the election to move on those big items, as well as his tax plan. That would raise the top two income-tax rates, raise capital-gains and dividend tax rates on upper-income families, and cut taxes on the middle class. Democrats need to have faith that a strong showing in the election indicates broad political backing, Rep. Rangel said. They should be emboldened by the $700 billion Wall Street bailout that Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson secured. And he doesn't want to hear talk of containing the deficit.
"For God's sake," he said, "don't ask me where the money will come from. I'm going to the same place Paulson went."


Baxter said...

I don't need to justify anything. Short term, I am not concerned with the deficit. Any fiscal plans will need to accurately show the deficit narrow after it briefly widens. There needs to be an end game with surpluses to pay down all of the GOP debt.

Remember, we're the Democrats. We know what we are doing. We won't double the national debt as Reagan and Bush each did. We will - once again - clean up the Republican's mess.

You should be proud - 4 straight days without a congressional Republican felony conviction!

Jim G. said...

Oh, so now the deficit does not matter! Buddy, your clan will not inherit a economy rising out of a mild recession ("the worst economy of the past 50 years"-classic Clinton BS). Sounds like you support supply side economics, the government version.

Your big government types who you place so much trust, with the combined morals of alley cats (of course we did not tell FM/FM to lend money to unqualified borrowers over the objections of the Republicans, no matter what the video saying exactly that just showed) are going to ravage this economy and extend this crisis.

Hey, do you think we could get some of that money out of William Jefferson's freezer to help with the national debt? Sanctimonious BS.

I continue to be amazed, the "O" is saying what he is going to do and you all are walking off the cliff with him.

Baxter said...

What would you, a supply side Republican, know about good economic policy?

Alas, you can certainly offer experienced advice on walking off a cliff...

Mark R. said...


You are a hypocrit! "Short term, I am not concerned with the deficit" You the so called deficit hawk. Where in these fiscal plans do they show a deficit narrowing? GOP debt? All of the spending now is to clean up the problem that Democratic social engineering caused. Then we are going to have even more of it with "wealth distribution" policies.

The Obama campaign's economic plan is revealing in two ways. First, it shows what Barry considers to be his bedrock economic priorities: high taxes and renewed tariff barriers, the Hoover-Roosevelt blunders that needlessly deepened and prolonged the Great Depression.

Combine these with increased entitlement spending and we have the recipe for an economic nightmare that will make things a lot worse before they get better. Please explain to all of us how these policies are going to fix the economy.