Friday, October 10, 2008

Wait...don't unplug the patient, we may have a pulse.

Like many I am not going to vote for McCain as much as I am going to vote againt the "O" and for S. Palin. Listening to Johnny this morning, it is apparent that he has decided to pick a fight with the "One". For the first time, he held my attention. His campaign crowds are angry that he is not talking about Conservative ideas and I still think if he plays this correctly, he could turn the electorate against Obamalamadama and his inexperience.


Baxter said...

You are such a homer. McCain appears rather desperate with these personal attacks. He loses the goodwill he built up over the years. He will lose the independents that aren't already gone. He will get the base vote only - those that decide to go to the polls.

All that said - it ain't over - lots of time left. Exogenous events could change everything. We should all hope that doesn't happen.

Mark R. said...

As Yogi Berra said "it ain't over until it is over". I of course, surprise, surprise, disagree with you Rich. There are many people still out there who want to know who Barry really is. There is also a lot of polling data that shows that the pointing out of Barry's past associations and his ties to ACORN are starting to have an impact.
The man is a slimey, socialist, Chicago Machine politician and people deserve to know who he really is no matter how hard Barry tries to lie about it.