Thursday, October 23, 2008


If the man who was "born in a manger" trys to raise tax's on the wealthy population who already pay more than their fair 57 percent of all the tax's collected there will probably be a revolt amoung the would also distroy the incentive of people to become or try to become successful in a society that just wants to continue to take your hard earned money and give it to people who do not share the same values...when sitting around doing very little or having responsibility is rewarded at the same rate as people busting their hump...we have a will be closer than people think.


Jim G. said...

Welcome to our new friend Al. A true right guy.

Al, please take care with your blood pressure as you read the rants by my BIL and Terry (with assistance from his ghost writer-Dr. Bob)

Nice start. But just wait, they are really irritating.

Mark R. said...

And How! They also don't read the articles that we post just string in left wing talking points that show that they don't read them.

Baxter said...

Revolt by the masses? You mean just like under Clinton @ 39.6% top rate? Ooooh, those times were so tough on the wealthy. I remember all the plaintive wailing...

Baxter said...

Rant -

You'll also notice a high level of cut and paste amongst your right wing brethren. They are a little light on content, personally.

Gary Ponzo said...

Al for President!!!

Mark R. said...

Earth to Rich the nineties are over. Do you actually know that the 39.6 rate is the sweet spot for our current economic conditions? To compare the dot com years to the massive meltdown we are now experiencing and justifying a tax rate for the current economic situation based on a rate that was fine during a massive upturn is very dangerous for our future. Raising taxes in 1930 helped to put us into a depression.
By the way when I cut and paste it is so you actually read part of the article that is located using the link that is pasted there.

Baxter said...

Mark -

I agree that raising taxes in a recession is dicey. Especially at this stage - right as we begin a steep descent. That said, if there are stimulative offsetting tax cuts below and it is a net neutral, I'm not so worried.

Your point about Hoover raising taxes is a good one and one which Obama and Dems in Congress are well aware of.

Hoover also had an extremely unaccommodative Fed, which was more of a problem than the taxes. They did work hard to balance the budget at just the wrong time. I say that as a deficit hawk.

I am concerned with large stimulative deficits in the face of our existing $10T debt. The next president will be facing a world of hurt and unpleasant alternatives.

Jim G. said...

Now I'm pissed. Gary!!!!????

I thought you were going to vote for me!


terry said...

to much is given much is expected

Gary Ponzo said...

Sorry, Jim. He had me at "born in a manger."