Friday, October 24, 2008

Preemptive Racism

We have already seen Barry claim that they will not vote for me because I do not look like the men on the money. We have seen Bill Clinton attacked as a racist based on comments he made in North Carolina. We have seen Congressman Lewis from Georgia compare John McCain to George Wallace. We have seen Congressman Murtha call western Pennsylvania racist. There have already been numerous columns in the MSM stating that if Barry loses it is racist.

For more see the comments section


Mark R. said...

What I have not seen is any commentaries of whether it is racist to assume all white people hate blacks. Is it racist for over 90% of one race to vote for the candidate of their race?

The definition of racism in Webster's is 1. The belief that some races are inherently superior to others. 2. Discrimination based on race.

Under this definition wouldn't it be accurate to say that if a black individual votes for a black candidate because they are black than they would be a racist?

It is also true that the McCain campaign has bent over backwards to not do anything that might be deemed racist. He has even forbidden his campaign to bring up Reverend Wright out of fear that someone would say it is racist. How this can be racist I do not know. I have seen commentaries that claim bringing up Barry's association with Bill Ayers is racist. Huh! How can that be racist since Bill Ayers is white?

The link I posted is to a great article by a black scholar named Shelby Steele. In the article he talks a lot about "white guilt" and how so many policies enacted as civil rights by our government have in fact hurt blacks instead of helping them.

Here is an exerpt for those that never read the links put up by the conservative wing.

"Nowhere in the ancient or modern world—except in the most banal utopian writing—is there the idea that people will become self-sufficient if they are given a lifetime income that is slightly better than subsistence with no requirement either to work or to educate themselves. Nowhere is there the idea that young girls should be subsidized for having children out of wedlock, with more money for more children. And yet this is precisely the form of welfare that came out of the sixties—welfare as a license not to develop. Out of deference this policy literally set up incentives that all but mandated inner-city inertia, that destroyed the normal human relationship to work and family, and that turned the values of hard work, sacrifice, and delayed gratification into a fool’s game."

In other words the policies that have made the poor dependant on government hand outs for life with no corresponding improvement in the underlying social condition that spawns this type of subsistence. Through manipulation of policy and using the help of willing accomplices like the media, law school professors, elites in hollywood, and a large chunk of the ultra wealthy the Democratic party has succeeded in creating an under class based on race that they can count on for votes even though they have truly not accomplished anything that would change the underlying reasons for why this has happened. Men like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have become rich and powerful by exploiting the helplessness of this core group. When an outsider comes in and tries to bring attention to things that might address the cause of the condition like a Bill Cosby for example, they are called Uncle Toms.

There are also many whites in this country who will be casting their vote for Barry based on "white guilt". When many of them are asked as to why they are voting for Barry they always say because he is for "change". They can never tell you what this "change" will be. They can also never tell an enquirer what Barry has accomplished in his career that makes him qualified to be President. It is always either because I hate Bush or I hate the republicans for what has happened to this country over the last 8 years. Sounds like Rich.

Voting for an individual with no experience to hold the most powerful job in the world because he is black is stupid and certainly does nothing for our country's future. It is just as racist as voting for John McCain because he is not black. As has been demonstrated by the answers given by many of the voters who have registered unbelivable numbers of times through the fraudulent activities of the liberal organization, ACORN, we can be assured that the system of keeping blacks dependant on government hand outs will remain in place if Barry wins the election.

Baxter said...

Mark -

I agree that to give racism as an excuse - before hand no less - is way out of line. Just as it was contemptible to assign race as the motive for General Powell's endorsement.

I'll admit, it is hard to figure out how the good guys lose some times, especially to Bush. The Gore/Bush story is a bitter one and Kerry/Bush is one lost opportunity after another. Had VP candidate been Gephardt (UofM Law) rather than Edwards, I think we'd have won.