Thursday, October 2, 2008

Were the Republicans Inadequate?

Every day I get a new email video from GOP friends that purports to show "who is responsible" for our current predicament. I don't buy their arguments, however, what does it say about the party that had a monopoly on power and let the party in the wilderness so run the show? If the Democrats actually wielded that much power and influence over our economy, why would anyone ever vote Republican? They had the House, the Senate and the White House and still the Dems called the shots!?


Mark R. said...

Rich, maybe if you would actually watch them you might learn something, like the fact that the roots of the subprime mortgage mess reach all the way back to the real worst President in US history, Jimmy Carter. Or how the Democratic House members like your buddy Barney Frank and Maxine Waters , etc. blocked any closer scrutiny of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as recently as 2004. Using your tired argument that you just keep using, then why didn't Congress fix things before this? Democrats have been in control the last two years. Could it be that they might have stopped the sweatheart slush fund they had going with Freddie and Fannie? The more this mess is examined the dirtier democrats like Dodd, Frank and oh yes, Obama get. The only person who received more money from Freddie and Fannie is Dodd.

Baxter said...

God bless Fannie + Freddie. And yes, it is time for effective new leadership. With O in the WH, and the Dems firmly in control of Congress, this mess will be cleaned up and future messes prevented. Once stabilized, Obama will begin to pay down the debt, which is what Democrats do when they follow supply side Republicans.

Jim G. said...

The first part of that video is undisputable.

My friend Rich seems to cherry pick only that which supports his side, a frequent criticism he has of others.

The bottom line, and a big one, the Democrats and their policy of "social justice" causes these same kind of travesty's in everything they touch, yet they take no responsibility for the failure and hardship caused by these flawed policies.

Now they want to bring this to every facet of our lives.

Heavens and good grief.

Jim G. said...

Obama will begin to pay down the debt, which is what Democrats do when they follow supply side Republicans.

Wanna bet?