Wednesday, October 15, 2008

John Malkovich hits it on the head.

In my frustration over the two meager choices we have for president, I read the following quote from actor John Malkovich in the latest edition of Esquire which expresses the exact sentiment I feel over this process:

THIS IS WHAT POLITICS IS TO ME: Somebody tells you all the trees on your street have a disease. One side says give them food and water and everything will be fine. One side says chop them down and burn them so they don't infect another street. That's politics. And I'm going, Who says they're diseased? And how does this sickness manifest itself? And is this outside of a natural cycle? And who said this again? And when were they on the street? But we just have people who shout, "Chop it down and burn it" or "Give it food and water," and there's your two choices. Sorry, I'm not a believer.


Baxter said...


So what's your point? You going to simply opt out? Is that a solution? Or is it a cop out?

Have you heard, "Lead, follow or get out of the way" and decided to go with the latter?

Gary Ponzo said...

I'm not suggesting apathy is the solution to anything. I'm simply eager to have more choice. The 2 party system is antiquated. I look at the Labour, Liberal and Conservative parties that Britian uses as a better concept, that's all.

Baxter said...

So, go Green, Libertarian, Alaskan Independence, or start your own new Gary Movement...

I too wish there was a third party between the far right and left. However, there isn't and I don't expect it anytime soon.